One of Ludo’s best uses is as a game ideation platform for anyone looking to create chart-topping games. On Ludo you can look up specific words and search terms to quickly get back any number of fully researched potential games in a process we call “gamestorming”. Now, that process has been further enhanced beyond ideation with the addition of an image search function of over two and a half million images.
Games development is a hit-driven process and a highly competitive sector, so keeping on top of the latest trends and advances in open AI is incredibly important. We formed a team to tackle this, and we ran into some questions. What if you could actually scale creativity? What if you could have a trusted partner that allows you to: analyse all games across the globe, view different game mechanics, look at a variety of images and continually create gaming concepts? Now, Ludo is more than just a game ideation platform, it is a smart creativity toolbox that includes up to date games research. Target data can easily be viewed, filtered and extracted, to help you to focus on what you want your next hit game to be.
In this blog, we will be looking at the importance of images in this process. We will discuss how images can stimulate the brain as well as trigger new ideas when brainstorming games, focusing our attention on Ludo’s image search feature and why it is an important tool for any games developer.
Why should images be considered during the brainstorming process?
We have all heard the expression “a picture tells a thousand words”, this is not just a cliché – there is actual science behind it which proves how powerful pictures can really be. In 2014, a group of neuroscientists conducted a study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and found that the human brain can process entire images in just 13 milliseconds. This illustrates how images can be more powerful than blocks of text, as images can be processed more quickly, meaning that they can help you understand and review ideas at pace. Not only that, an image can trigger your brain quickly too.
So, how is this useful when it comes to developing your next game? According to the theory of perception, images are a useful tool for brainstorming ideas because when you see an image you often visually associate them with a particular meaning or other images that you have previously encountered. This means that through visual interpretation, we are not only able to quickly process the ideas presented to us, our brains are also able to see the image from a different perspective, releasing further information and creative thoughts which then allow us to come up with improvements or to unlock new ideas.
What is the Image Search feature, and how does it work?
Ludo’s Image Search feature is a useful tool for anyone working creatively in the games industry. The Image Search helps you think about what kind of artwork you would like your game to have or what type of imagery you would like your game to be related to. Image Search can also be used to trigger the brain when gamestorming, or to look for images similar to your ideas to see if they are already being used in existing games.
Ludo’s image database has over two and a half million images, and the feature allows you to quickly filter through them by a simple search or by ideas related to the gaming concept that you are focusing on. Studios have said that this feature is almost like a Pinterest board for game images as users can click on images to see pictures that are similar – it also allows you to save these images and add them to a mood board.
Sound interesting? Dive in and give it a shot! There has never been a better time to try Ludo, as well as ideation and Image Search we have a unique data centre on the latest gaming trends and their countless filtering features. We are already working on adding new features and benefits, including Teams Tier to allow for commenting and collaboration, Slack and Trello Integration, PDF export for Game Design Documents (GDD) and a ‘Trending Games and Mechanics’ section. You will be able to generate your next hit game in no time. Go create!!