Discover the Pulse of Gaming Trends and Outpace the Competition

Discover gaming trends with Explore trending topics, new releases, and market analysis to drive game development. Leverage AI for informed decisions and winning concepts.

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Trending Game Topics
Stay ahead of the competition by researching which game topics are rapidly on the rise, which are true chart toppers.’s AI powered game aggregation algorithm creates unique insights for developers to stay on top of the latest trends.
Trending Game Topics
New Game Releases
Always stay in the loop for new game release across the app stores. We track all games from the App Store, Play Store, Steam, and Itch. will show you insights about which topics are getting the most releases so that you won't miss the next big trend!
New Game Releases
Market Analysis
Research the market landscape for a specific game topic, or pitch your new game idea against other similar competing games. will show you how a game topic has been performing over time, and will tell you how likely it is for your new game to succeed in that landscape. Stop the guesswork and make well informed decisions for your next game.
Market Analysis


  • Getting Started with Daily Trends

    Daily Trends is a comprehensive tool designed to provide insights into trending topics and games across various app stores. To begin:

    1. Choose your view:
      • Select "Charts" to see top-performing games based on their performance in app store rankings.
      • Choose "New Releases" for recently launched titles.
    2. Apply filters:
      • App Store: Choose between App Store (iOS), Play Store (Android), or Steam (PC).
      • Game Genre: Select from a wide range of genres like Action, Adventure, Puzzle, etc.
      • Location: For "Charts" view only, select specific countries or regions to focus on.
    3. Select your display:
      • Use the "Show Trending" toggle to switch between viewing game topics (groups of similar games) or individual games.
    4. Sort results:
      • For topics, select a sorting criteria. It changes depending on whether you are viewing "Charts" or "New releases".

    The data is updated every 24 hours, ensuring you always have access to the most current insights. This frequent update allows you to spot emerging trends quickly and adapt your strategies accordingly.

  • Understanding Game Topics and Trending Lists

    Game Topics:

    Game Topics are AI-generated groupings of similar games, created by's sophisticated game aggregation algorithm. These groups are based on shared characteristics such as:

    • Game mechanics (e.g., match-3, battle royale, idle gameplay)
    • Themes (e.g., fantasy, sci-fi, historical)
    • Art styles (e.g., cartoon, realistic, pixel art)
    • Sub-genres (e.g., MOBA, roguelike, tower defense)
    • Visual elements in screenshots (e.g., character designs, UI layouts)

    Viewing by topic offers a broader perspective on market trends, allowing you to identify patterns without scrolling through countless individual titles. This can be particularly useful for understanding macro-level shifts in player preferences and game design trends.

    Trending Games and New Releases Lists:

    In addition to topics, you can view lists of individual trending games or new releases:

    • Trending Games: These are specific titles currently performing well in the charts. The list includes:
      • Game title and developer
      • App store ranking and category
      • Key performance metrics (e.g., download estimates, revenue estimates)
    • New Releases: This list shows recently launched games gaining traction in the market. It includes:
      • Game title and developer
      • Release date
      • Initial performance metrics

    These lists provide more granular insights into specific games that are resonating with players, allowing you to analyze individual success stories and potentially draw inspiration for your own projects.

  • Searching and Filtering

    The search functionality in Daily Trends is powerful and flexible, designed to help you find exactly what you're looking for:

    1. Using the search bar:
      • Located at the top of the interface
      • Accepts game titles, keywords, phrases, or even game mechanics
    2. Auto-suggestions:
      • As you type, the tool suggests related games and trending topics
      • You can select these suggestions or continue typing your own custom query
    3. Search results:
      • Display both individual games and aggregated topics relevant to your keywords
      • Results are ranked by relevance and current performance

    This feature is particularly useful for:

    • Quickly checking the performance of certain themes or mechanics
    • Finding trends related to specific IPs or game concepts
    • Identifying how your game idea compares to current market trends
    • Discovering niche markets or underserved game categories

    Pro tip: Try combining multiple keywords or using phrases to get more specific results. For example, "casual puzzle match-3" will yield different results than just "puzzle".

  • Interpreting and Analyzing Trend Data

    Daily Trends offers a wealth of metrics and comparison tools to help you understand market movements, with different sorting options for both "Charts" and "New Releases":

    Sorting Options for Charts:

    • "Exponential Growth": Highlights topics with rapidly increasing player numbers day over day
    • "Chart Toppers": Shows topics with the highest number of new players accumulated over the past 7 days
    • "Most Top-Chart Games": Identifies topics with the largest number of games in the Top-200 Overall
    • "Uniqueness": Surfaces game topics that are different from most other games in the top charts

    Sorting Options for New Releases:

    • "Growing number of releases": Highlights topics with the highest increase in number of games released, month-over-month
    • "Very recent releases": Shows topics with the highest number of new game releases over the past 14 days
    • "New game topics": Identifies game topics that have appeared the most recently in new releases
    • "Uniqueness": Surfaces game topics that are different from most other recently released games

    Analyzing Individual Trends:

    • Click on a specific game or topic to view more detailed information on a dedicated page
    • Detailed pages include:
      • Additional metrics (e.g., daily active users, retention rates)
      • Performance charts showing trends over time
      • Links to app store pages for further investigation
      • Insights into key characteristics of games within that topic (e.g., common features, art styles)

    Comparing Games or Topics:

    • If you need a more thorough analysis of the market performance of a game topic, click on "Compare to Market" within the Daily Trends tool.
    • Clicking "Compare to Market" will take you to the Market Analysis tool, where you can:
      • Get a Ludo Score for that game topic
      • Access more detailed market information, including historical performance data
      • Analyze how the topic or game compares to broader market trends

    The tool focuses on providing the most current and actionable insights to inform your decision-making. For Charts, this means emphasizing recent performance and growth. For New Releases, the focus is on identifying emerging trends and innovative concepts in the most recently launched games. This dual approach ensures you're always working with the most relevant information in the fast-paced mobile gaming market, whether you're interested in established successes or cutting-edge innovations.

  • Applying Insights to Game Development

    Leverage Daily Trends to inform various aspects of your game development strategy:

    1. Ideation and Concept Development:
      • Browse trending game topics and mechanics for inspiration
      • Use the "New Releases" tab to identify innovative concepts gaining early traction
      • Look for gaps in the market where player demand isn't being met
      • Consider how you might combine elements from different trending topics to create something unique
    2. Market Validation:
      • Gauge market demand for your game concepts by comparing them to similar trending games and genres
      • Identify high-growth topics that could represent untapped opportunities
      • Use the "Uniqueness" sorting option to find differentiated concepts that are succeeding
    3. Feature Benchmarking:
      • Analyze top-ranking games within your genre to understand key features, art styles, and monetization models that engage players
      • Look at common elements across successful games in a topic to identify "must-have" features
      • Identify best practices to emulate or areas where you can differentiate
    4. Trend Forecasting:
      • Monitor the "Exponential Growth" of game topics over time to identify emerging trends
      • Use these insights to decide when to enter a market or pivot your game's direction
      • Look for patterns in new releases to anticipate future trends
      • Consider how broader market trends (e.g., new technologies, cultural events) might influence game preferences
    5. Competitive Analysis:
      • Identify your main competitors by looking at top games in your target topic or genre
      • Analyze their strengths and weaknesses to inform your own development strategy
      • Look for underserved niches within popular topics

    Remember, while trends are important, they should inform rather than dictate your creative process. Use these insights as a starting point, but don't be afraid to innovate and bring your unique vision to life.

  • Pro Tips

    • Check Daily Trends regularly, they are updated every day.
    • Use the "New Releases" tab to spot emerging trends before they become mainstream. This can give you a first-mover advantage.
    • Try searching for keywords related to your game ideas to find similar trending titles. This can help you refine your concept and identify potential competitors.
    • Explore trends outside your usual genre for fresh inspiration. Cross-genre innovations often lead to breakout hits.
    • Generate game ideas based on trending topics by clicking "Generate Game Ideas" next to the topic name. This feature leverages AI to create unique concepts based on current trends.
    • Combine insights from both "Charts" and "New Releases" to get a comprehensive picture of established trends and upcoming innovations.
    • Use trends as prompts for Ludo's other idea generation tools to spark creativity. For example, use a trending theme as input for the Image Generator to visualize potential art styles.
    • Pay attention to seasonal trends and plan your development and release schedule accordingly.
    • Look for correlations between trending topics and real-world events or pop culture phenomena. These connections can inform your marketing strategy.
    • Don't just focus on the top trends – sometimes the most interesting opportunities lie in rapidly growing niche topics.
    • Utilize the "Compare to Market" feature to get a deeper understanding of how specific topics or games perform against the broader market.

  • Troubleshooting

    If you encounter issues while using Daily Trends, try the following:

    1. Data not loading:
      • Refresh the page
      • Clear your browser cache and cookies
      • Try a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.)
    2. Search not returning expected results:
      • Make sure your input query (if any) is in English.
      • Use broader or more specific keywords
      • Ensure you haven't accidentally applied filters that are limiting your results
    3. Slow performance:
      • Close unnecessary browser tabs and applications
      • Clear your browser cache and cookies

    If problems persist, contact support for assistance or join our Discord server:

  • Getting Started with Market Analysis

    The Market Analysis tool is your gateway to understanding the gaming landscape for your concept. It's designed to help you evaluate game ideas by analyzing market trends, competition, and potential. Here's how to begin your journey:

    1. Start by entering a search term or keywords related to your game idea in the search bar. Think about the core elements of your concept - genre, theme, gameplay mechanics - and use those as your starting point. You can also choose one of your game ideas or game concepts as your input.
    2. Once you've entered your search terms, click "Add to Analysis". The tool will then create a topic based on existing related games, giving you a snapshot of the current market.
    3. To fine-tune your analysis, adjust the search options:
      • Source: Choose between App stores (iOS/Android) or Steam, depending on your target platform.
      • Country: For mobile game analysis, select a specific region. The default is the United States, but you can explore other markets if that's your focus.
      • Reach: This setting determines how broadly or narrowly the tool interprets your search. Set it to "Balanced" (default) for a general overview, "Focused" for a narrower set of highly relevant games, or "Wide" for a broader set of somewhat relevant games.

    You can analyze up to 5 topics simultaneously, allowing for rich comparisons. If your initial analysis seems too broad or narrow, don't worry - you can easily refine it:

    • Try adjusting the Reach setting to see how it affects your results.
    • Refine your search terms. For example, instead of just "puzzle", try "puzzle + fantasy" for a more specific niche.
    • Experiment with different keyword combinations to find the sweet spot for your analysis.

    Keep in mind that the tool uses data that is updated daily, ensuring you're always working with current market insights. This dynamic approach allows you to track trends and make informed decisions as the market evolves.

  • Understanding the Ludo Score

    The Ludo Score is at the heart of the Market Analysis tool. It's a comprehensive rating on a scale of 0-100 that represents your game concept's market potential. Think of it as a quick snapshot of how well your idea might perform in the current market. The score is calculated using four key metrics:

    1. Chart Dominance (0-100%): This metric reflects how well your game concept aligns with top-performing titles in the market. A high score here indicates strong commercial potential - your game idea resonates with what's currently successful.
    2. Trend Potential (0-100%): This forward-looking metric indicates the likelihood of your game becoming a rapidly rising star. It measures how similar games are currently trending, helping to predict potential viral growth. A high score suggests your concept is riding a wave of increasing popularity.
    3. Newcomer Impact (0-100%): This assesses how your game might compete among recent releases. It's particularly useful for understanding if your concept has the potential to stand out in the current market, where it would be entering as a newcomer.
    4. Creative Edge (0-100%): This metric evaluates your game's uniqueness and novelty. It highlights the potential for your game to stand out from existing titles, regardless of their market performance or release date. A high score here suggests your idea brings something fresh to the table.

    The final Ludo Score is a weighted average of these four metrics. While a higher score generally suggests greater overall market potential for your concept, remember that each component provides valuable insights. A game with a moderate overall score but a high Creative Edge, for instance, might still be worth pursuing if you're aiming for a niche market. Use the Ludo Score as a starting point for deeper analysis, not as the final word on your game's potential. It's a tool to guide your thinking and prompt further investigation into the market landscape for your game concept.


  • Interpreting Market Analysis Graphs

    The Market Analysis tool provides a suite of visual representations to help you understand market conditions. These graphs are your window into the competitive landscape, trends, and potential opportunities for your game concept. Let's explore each one:

    1. Market Landscape Plot: This scatter plot gives you a bird's-eye view of how your concept fits into the current market.
      • The X-axis represents game similarity to your concept. As you move right, games become more similar to your idea.
      • The Y-axis shows the popularity index of similar games. Higher points indicate more popular games.
      • Each point on the plot represents a game. Look for clusters to identify trends.
      • Games in the upper-right quadrant are both similar to your concept and popular - these are your potential competitors.
      • The lower-right quadrant shows games similar to yours but less popular. This could indicate potential opportunities if you can improve on existing concepts.
      • Color-coding distinguishes between different analyzed topics, allowing for easy comparison.
    2. Weekly Topic Popularity Over Time: This line graph tracks the popularity of comparable games over time.
      • The X-axis represents time, while the Y-axis shows the Average Popularity Index.
      • Each line represents a different topic or game concept you're analyzing.
      • Look for overall trends: Is interest in your type of game growing, declining, or stable?
      • Identify any seasonality: Are there regular peaks and troughs that might indicate seasonal interest?
      • Spot sudden spikes: These could indicate events or releases that sparked interest in similar games.
      • Compare between concepts to see which have been consistently popular over time.
    3. Game Releases Over Time: This line graph shows the number of similar games released over time.
      • The X-axis represents time, while the Y-axis shows the number of game releases.
      • Each line typically represents a different topic or game concept you're analyzing.
      • Look for overall trends: Is the number of releases increasing (growing market but more competition) or decreasing?
      • Identify release spikes: These could indicate times when your type of game was particularly popular with developers.
      • Pay attention to recent trends on the right side of the graph to understand current market saturation.
    4. Game Similarity Distribution: This stacked bar chart shows how similar other games in the market are to your concept.
      • Each bar represents a topic or game concept you're analyzing.
      • The color scale ranges from dark (high similarity) to light (low similarity).
      • The height of each segment shows the number of games falling within that similarity range.
      • A large dark segment suggests many very similar games, indicating potential market saturation.
      • More light colors might suggest your concept is more unique in the current market.

    Use these graphs in combination to gain a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape for your game concept. They can help you identify trends, spot potential competitors, recognize market gaps, and ultimately make more informed decisions about your game's development and marketing strategies.


  • Refining Your Game Concept and Decision Making

    The Market Analysis tool isn't just about providing data - it's about helping you make informed decisions to refine and improve your game concept. Here's how you can leverage the insights from the tool:

    1. Identify underserved niches:
      • Scan the Market Landscape Plot for areas with few similar games but high popularity.
      • Consider how your concept could be adapted to fill these gaps, potentially capturing an underserved audience.
    2. Balance innovation and market fit:
      • If your Creative Edge score is high but other metrics are low, think about ways to incorporate some familiar elements that align with market trends.
      • The key is to maintain your unique selling points while improving market alignment. This balance can make your game both innovative and marketable.
    3. Refine your target audience:
      • Analyze the characteristics of similar successful games to understand potential player segments.
      • Use this information to adjust your concept and shape your marketing strategy. You might discover unexpected demographics interested in games similar to yours.
    4. Iterate and compare:
      • Don't be afraid to run analyses on different versions of your concept.
      • Small tweaks can sometimes lead to significant changes in market potential. This iterative process can help you optimize your game idea.
    5. Inform feature planning:
      • Identify popular elements in successful similar games. What features seem to resonate with players in your target market?
      • Consider incorporating trending features that fit naturally with your concept, enhancing its appeal without compromising your vision.
    6. Support investment decisions:
      • When you're deciding between multiple game concepts, use the Market Analysis tool to evaluate their relative market potential.
      • This data-driven approach can help you prioritize development resources, focusing on the ideas with the strongest market alignment.

    Remember, while the Market Analysis tool provides valuable insights, it should complement rather than replace your creative vision and understanding of your target audience. Use it as a guide to refine your ideas and make informed decisions, but don't let it stifle your creativity or passion for your unique game concept.

    It's important to note that chasing trends mindlessly is rarely a winning long-term strategy. By the time you release your game, the market may have shifted. Instead, consider using trending topics as creative sparks and combining them with novel elements. The Market Analysis tool can also help you reveal niche opportunities that larger players may have overlooked.

  • Analyzing Multiple Topics

    One of the most powerful features of the Market Analysis tool is the ability to compare up to 5 different game topics simultaneously. This comparative analysis can provide rich insights and help you make more nuanced decisions about your game development. Here's how you can leverage this feature:

    1. Evaluate different concept ideas:
      • If you're torn between several game ideas, analyze them all side by side.
      • Compare their Ludo Scores and individual metrics to see which concepts have the best overall market fit.
      • This can help you prioritize which ideas to develop further or which to pursue first.
    2. Understand competition across related genres:
      • Analyze how your concept performs against similar games in different categories.
      • You might find that your puzzle game concept has less competition in the fantasy genre than in the sci-fi genre, for example.
      • This cross-genre analysis can help you position your game more effectively in the market.
    3. Identify promising hybrid concepts:
      • Compare topics from different genres to spot potential for innovative combinations.
      • You might notice that both your "match-3" topic and your "city-builder" topic have high Trend Potential scores. This could inspire you to create a unique hybrid game combining elements of both.
      • Use these insights to create game concepts that blend popular elements in novel ways.
    4. Assess market saturation:
      • Compare the Game Similarity Distribution charts for different topics.
      • This can help you identify which game categories might be oversaturated or underserved.
      • If you see a lot of dark bars (high similarity) in one topic but not in another, it might indicate where there's more room for a unique entry.
    5. Track evolving trends:
      • Analyze multiple related topics to see how trends shift over time.
      • Use the Weekly Topic Popularity graph to compare trend lines for different concepts.
      • This can help you anticipate future market directions and align your development timeline accordingly.
    6. Benchmark against successful games:
      • Include topics based on popular games similar to your concept.
      • Use their metrics as benchmarks for your own game's potential.
      • This can help you set realistic goals and identify areas where you need to improve your concept.

    By leveraging the multi-topic analysis feature, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the market landscape. This holistic view can inform your decision-making process, helping you refine your game concept, identify your unique selling points, and position your game effectively in the market. Remember, the goal isn't just to follow trends, but to use this data to find the sweet spot where your creative vision meets market opportunity.


  • Troubleshooting

    If you encounter issues while using the Market Analysis tool, here are some common problems and their solutions:

    1. Too few games in analysis:
      • First, try using broader or more common keywords. Sometimes very specific terms might not yield sufficient results.
      • Double-check that you're searching in the correct store (App stores vs. Steam). The game you're looking for might be platform-specific.
    2. Too many unrelated games in analysis:
      • If you're getting an overwhelming number of results that don't seem closely related to your concept, try setting the Reach to "Focused". This will narrow down the set of games to those most relevant to your search.
      • Add more specific keywords to your search to hone in on your particular niche.
    3. Unexpected Ludo Score:
      • If your Ludo Score seems surprisingly high or low, take a closer look at the individual metrics (Chart Dominance, Trend Potential, etc.) for more detailed insights.
      • Try comparing your topic to similar successful games. This can provide context for your scores and help you understand where your concept stands in relation to established titles.
    4. Graphs not loading:
      • First, try refreshing the page. Sometimes a simple reload can resolve display issues.
      • If that doesn't work, try clearing your browser cache and reloading the page.
    5. Unable to add more topics:
      • Remember that you can analyze up to 5 topics simultaneously. If you're trying to add a sixth topic, you'll need to remove one first.
      • To remove a topic, look for a delete option near the topic name in your list of analyzed topics.

    If you've tried these solutions and are still experiencing issues, don't hesitate to reach out to support, and join our Discord server: