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Market Analysis

  • What is Market Analysis?

    Market Analysis is a comprehensive research tool that finds games related to your game topic or idea and provides a detailed breakdown through many different statistics, allowing you to understand the dynamics of that game topic over time.

    The stats are broken down into:

    1 - Topic / Keywords / Genre (which highest-ranked games belong in this category)

    2 - Long-term popularity: Compares the success of the game topic against other topics in general in terms of new players.

    3 - Short-term trend: Measures the popularity of the game in the last week, and compares it with other topics or games in general.

    4 - Market accessibility: This measures the percentage of games in the topic that have reached the Top 500 overall most played games over the past year.

    5 - Game topic age: Measures how long ago the games in this topic have been released, on average. This can indicate whether the game topic is fairly recent, or if the games have been around for a long time.

    6 - Originality: Measures how unique the game topic is, in the sense of how many similar existing games are already out there.

  • What is Market Analysis used for?

    Market Analysis is used as a research tool to gain insights into specific statistics and metrics of your desired chosen game topic.

    The Market Analysis feature helps you evaluate the feasibility of your ideas by providing insights into current market trends, player preferences, and potential target audiences. This information aids in making informed decisions and refining your concepts to align with market demands.

  • How do I start using the Market Analysis tool?

    Type in a search term or use the keywords you’re looking for and click Add to Analysis. Ludo will create a game topic by finding existing games that are related to your search terms. You can see the created topic on the left in the topic list below the search bar. You will see the main keywords that define that topic, as well as the list of games that are part of it and some essential statistics.

    If you find that the created topic is too narrow (very few games), you can change the mode to "Wide" and try again. Conversely, if you think the created topic is to broad (too many games), change the mode to "Narrow" and try again.

    You can add up to five topics for comparison.

  • What search options are available when analyzing a game topic?

    When searching for a game topic to analyze, you have a few options to refine your search:

    • Source: Choose which app store (AppStore & PlayStore or Steam) to pull game data from
    • Country: Select which country's game market to analyze
    • Reach: Set the breadth of games to include - Balanced (default), Focused (narrower set of highly relevant games), or Wide (broader set of somewhat relevant games)

  • What key metrics does the Market Analysis tool provide for a game topic?

    The Market Analysis breaks down insights for a game topic into several key areas:

    • Long-term popularity: Compares the topic's growth in new players over the past year vs other game topics
    • Short-term trend: Measures the topic's change in new players over the past week
    • Market accessibility: Shows what % of games in the topic reached the Top 500 most played in the past year
    • Game topic age: The average release date of games in the topic
    • Originality: How unique the game topic is compared to existing similar games
    • Related games: Examples of top games in that topic

  • How can I compare metrics between different game topics?

    You can analyze and compare up to 5 different game topics at a time. After generating a topic, you'll see it listed on the left. Simply search for additional topics and click "Add to Analysis" to compare their metrics side-by-side. This allows you to easily evaluate the market conditions for different game ideas.

  • The tool created a topic that seems too broad or narrow. How can I adjust it?

    If the automatically generated topic includes too many or too few related games, you can adjust the "Reach" setting and re-run the search. Set it to "Focused" for a narrower set of highly relevant games, or "Wide" for a broader set of somewhat relevant titles. The default "Balanced" mode aims for a reasonable middle ground.

  • How should I interpret and make use of the market analysis data?

    The market analysis metrics can inform your decisions when brainstorming and developing a new game concept. The data helps you understand the current market demand, competition level, and player preferences for the kind of game you're considering. You can use it to validate game ideas, spot opportunities in underserved areas, or get inspiration to combine elements from different trending topics.

  • What are some common scenarios where the Market Analysis feature would be useful?

    The Market Analysis tool is valuable in several situations when planning and developing a game:

    • Evaluating a new game idea to see if there is market demand and growth potential
    • Comparing different game concepts to determine which has the best market fit
    • Identifying trending gameplay elements, themes, or genres to incorporate
    • Discovering underserved areas or "gaps" in the market to target with a unique game
    • Assessing the competitive landscape and saturation level for a specific game concept
    • Getting examples of successful games to use as inspiration or references

  • How can I tell if my game idea has good potential based on the market analysis?

    While every game is unique, there are some positive indicators to look for in the analysis:

    • High long-term or short-term popularity scores, showing strong player demand
    • High originality, indicating an underserved area with less competition
    • Low market accessibility can either mean that the topic is underserved, or that the topic is very difficult to gain traction in.
    • Topics with a very high "originality score" could be risky, as they may be too niche. Aim for a balance between uniqueness and proven appeal.

  • Should I only make games based on the top trending topics?

    Chasing trends mindlessly is rarely a winning long-term strategy. By the time you release, the fickle market may have shifted. Instead, use trending topics as creative sparks and combine them with novel elements. The Market Analysis also shines in revealing niche opportunities the big players have overlooked.